
Some of the App Development Mistakes to Avoid While Developing an App

Some of the App Development Mistakes to Avoid While Developing an App
Written by Andy Prosper

We cannot deny the fact that mobile apps have significantly simplified our life. Right now, there is no such thing that you cannot do with the help of an app. And for that reason, the competition in the field of app development is also increasing day by day. Thus, if you are an app developer and planning to develop an app that can serve numerous people, you have to be quite precise about avoiding mistakes. Therefore, we would like to point out some of the common app development mistakes, which you should avoid.

Most of the App Development Mistakes

Not recognizing the need

It is one of the most common and big app development mistakes that numerous app developers do. Well, if you don’t do a proper need analysis, you will not be able to determine the psychology as well as preferences of the customers. We know that you are coming up with a brilliant app idea and you are investing quite a good amount of money in the development of this app. But, it will be of no use if you don’t do a proper market research. It will slow down your process and will take a long period of time to deliver you the desired results.

Selecting a mobile app development without proper research

You will find numerous application categories like financial app, e-commerce, educational apps, on-demand apps a numerous others. Likewise, there are numerous categories of app developers. Also, all the app development companies are different in nature. Thus, it is recommended that before finalizing any of the app development company, determine your budget, domain of the app, complexity as well as the platform.

Next, what you have to do is to go through a proper research and find out which app Development Company is compatible with your needs. There are a large number of top google apps consultants out there suited for startups and large organizations alike. With a bit of research, it’s easy to find the right one that will suit your company’s needs.

App development mistakes: underestimating the total price

Again, this is one of the most common app development mistakes which innumerable developers tend to ignore. Before proceeding, you must have a clear vision about the total cost that you have to take care. You have to understand that ‘development hours’ are not the only money which is involved with this process. Apart from this, there are numerous aspects which will involve a good amount of money of yours like space, overheads, materials and a special team that will take care of your marketing strategies. You have to include all of these into your capital investments to avoid those app development mistakes.

Not creating an MVP

If you don’t consider creating an MVP, there is a chance that your app will become a disaster. Well, MVP or Minimum Viable Product is nothing but a basic product, which will allow you to study your product in the conditions of the real market. With the help of this, you will be able to evaluate the performance of your app in the market. In the MVP stage, your app will comprise of the basic necessary features and you can launch that app in the market while going through the development process. Therefore, avoid the app development mistakes, and be ready with an MVP.

Crafting a lowly UI

It is one of the biggest app development mistakes that app developers do. If you cannot create a proper and easy UI, it will not get the proper acceptance among the users. Keep in mind that the user interface of your app is will be considered as the first impression amongst the users. You have to understand that users are quite impatient when it comes to the selection of app as there are loads of apps hovering in the market. Thus, it is very significant to stay away from these app development mistakes and to create a good user interface that users can use effortlessly.

Excessive features will be over whelming to the users

Again, one of the most common app development mistakes, which you need to rectify is to resist yourself from adding too many features to your app. The users will appreciate this step of yours. We know that most of the app developers consider ‘feature rich’ to be a positive aspect of an app but the fact is far from truth. According to some studies and surveys, it has been found that adding excessive features is one of the most usual app development mistakes that most of the app developers goes through. It will not only overwhelm the users but it will also reduce the appealing factor of your app.

Adding More Platforms is one of the worst App development mistakes

Adding numerous platforms

Well, it is quite a common fact that the temptation of making the app compatible for all the platforms is one of the biggest app development mistakes that app developers do. It will be best for you if you can resist the temptation as it will create a lot of issues with your app development.

First of all, it will deliver you with a money-drainage, which is not healthy for your initial cost and secondly, like the features it will become monotonous for the users. Thus, make your app compatible with all the platforms when you witness establishment with any one platform. In this way, you will be able to avoid app development mistakes that most of the app developers do.

Not going through enough testing of the developed app

To a user, getting a glitch free app is the most important thing. And to make your app glitch free and to avoid app development mistakes, you have to make sure that your app has gone through enough testing. With this, you can develop a flawless app so that users don’t have to face the consequences of app development mistakes.

Not giving importance to feedback

Without proper feedback, it will not be possible to make your app according to the preference of the users. Getting a proper feedback will help you to acknowledge the zones where you need improvement, so that you don’t have to come across app development mistakes.

So, these are some of the app development mistakes, which an app developer must avoid.

About the author

Andy Prosper